Sofia History Museum Fragmented Stories July 7-30, 2017 Sofia History Museum, Exhibition Opening July 6, 2017 at 7 pm Goethe-Institut Bulgaria, Exhibition Opening July 7, 2017 at 6 pm browsing beauty in collaboration with Andrea Sunder-Plassmannshows at the Sofia History Museum. Supported with an Ontario Arts Council Exhibition Assistance Grant. Video swings / Goethe-Institut Sophia
Casa las Americas, Havana
My Islands Do Not Make a Nation – Contemporary Art from the Virgin Islands opens May 22, 2017curated by Priscilla Hintz and David Knight The Gri Gri Project, a curatorial team in the U.S. Virgin Islands, has been invited by Casa de las Américas in Havana, Cuba, to exhibit works by contemporary Virgin Islands artists […]
SONIQUE – arte sonoro

Supported with an Ontario Arts Council Exhibition Assistance Grant. Sábado 25 de febrero. Centro Hispanoamericano de Cultura.Acciones de cierre del evento SONIQUE.Desde 5:00 pm:“SOMOS”, acción interventiva con proyecciones de AndreaSunder-Plassmann y Sigi Torinus.“Presentación No. 3”, acción con vídeos, sonidos electroacústicos,instrumentos musicales y esculturas sonoras de Ricardo Martínez yVíctor Piverno.“VerBROTen”, performance musical de Nilo Castillo […]
DIE NEUEN @ VBK Galerie Berlin

Wir laden Sie herzlich ein zur Eröffnungam Mittwoch den 2. November 2016 um 19.00 Uhr Ausstellungsdauer:3. bis 13. November 2016 Supported with a Media Arts Travel Grant by the Canada Council for the Arts Torinus VBK

participating in STORIES OF THE CITY…Reception at SB Contemporary Art on Saturday, November 21, 2015 1-3PMcurated by the IN/TERMINUS Research Group – Nov 6-Dec 5th, 2015
Browsing Beauty in Ålesund, Norway

Sigi Torinus and Andrea Sunder-Plassmann present browsing beauty at Kunstmuseet KUBE in Ålesund, Norway, featuring sound design for their installation Nabor by Brent Lee, as well as sound for bb by the Noiseborder Ensemble. Curated by Tove Lande. Performance at the opening on January 16 by Brent Lee and Sigi Torinus. Show runs until March 1, 2015. Supported with an Ontario […]
SANS SERIF Berlin opens September 18, 2014

LINGUA FRANCA opens July 11, 2014
José Seoane & Sigi Torinus: LINGUA FRANCAGalerie einraum5-7 Braunschweig, Germany thanks to Susanne Hesch for introducing the show, and to the gallery team Stefan Forster, Stefan Zeuke, Nadine Reichardt, Andrea Zernitz, Peter Hipper, Stefan Pabst see opening pictures thanks to Heiner Koether on EinRaum site. LINGUA FRANCA (2014) opening LINGUA FRANCA (2014) opening LINGUA FRANCA (2014)
INTO THE LIGHT opens April 25, 2014

Sigi Torinus: INTO THE LIGHT April 26 – June 15, 2014; opens April 25 @ 7pm Art Gallery of Windsor 401 Riverside Drive West, Windsor, Ontario, Canada curated by Srimoyee Mitra Into the Light brings together a series of immersive artworks that are familiar and disorienting at the same time. Using photography, video and objects, artist Sigi Torinus […]
Browsing Beauty 2014

a new version of browsing beauty showing at theCentro de Desarollo de las Artes Visuales Exhibición de Arte de los Medios EmergentesPlaza Vieja, La HabanaAndrea Sunder-Plassmann & Sigi Torinus Inauguración 22 de Enero, 20hConferencia 29 de Enero, 10hEnero 22 – 31, 2014; Martes – Sabado, 10 – 4h Supported with a Media Artist Travel Grant by […]
browsing beauty in La Habana

a project by Sigi Torinus & Andrea Sunder-Plassmann CLUBNoCKE, Casa de Cultura de 7a y 60 Curaduria Julio César Llopiz – Marcel Marquez – Frenzy Espacio TIER en la XI Bienal de la Habana 11th Biennial of Havana: Artistic Practice and Social Imaginary, Taller de Investigación, Experimentación y Residencia in Havana, Cuba, held from May […]
On the Spot – SOVA Projects Gallery

MIRAME PERO NO ME TOQUES 2-channel video