LINGUA FRANCA opens July 11, 2014

José Seoane & Sigi Torinus: LINGUA FRANCAGalerie einraum5-7 Braunschweig, Germany thanks to Susanne Hesch for introducing the show, and to the gallery team Stefan Forster, Stefan Zeuke, Nadine Reichardt, Andrea Zernitz, Peter Hipper, Stefan Pabst see opening pictures thanks to Heiner

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Torinus 10,000 Monarchs

10,000 Monarchs performance

May 24, 2014 – 2-5 pm, Art Gallery of Windsor: an interactive performanceWorking from a meditative trance, Torinus will be ‘reading’ how participants negotiate the space between home and faraway, between being in the body

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INTO THE LIGHT (2014) opening at the Art Gallery of Windsor


Supported with a Project Grant by the Canada Council for the Arts INTO THE LIGHT (2014) opening at the Art Gallery of Windsor INTO THE LIGHT (2014) opening at the Art Gallery of Windsor INTO

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INTO THE LIGHT (2014) opening at the Art Gallery of Windsor

INTO THE LIGHT opens April 25, 2014

Sigi Torinus: INTO THE LIGHT April 26 – June 15, 2014; opens April 25 @ 7pm Art Gallery of Windsor 401 Riverside Drive West, Windsor, Ontario, Canada curated by Srimoyee Mitra Into the Light brings together a series

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Noiseborder inFuse19 matralab 2014

Noiseborder meets matralab

March 28-April 2, 2014: the Noiseborder Ensemble welcomes matralab artists Sandeep Bhagwati , Adam Basanta, Jen Reimer, Max Stein, Julian Stein, Navid Navab and Felix Del Tredici from matralab (Concordia University/Montreal) for a series of presentations and performances,

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OLOFI (2012) Torinus+Seoane


Inspired by growing up in the Caribbean and since traversing between the Tropics and the North, I’ve been creating a series of works investigating the island (sun-drenched, white-sanded, lush, with blue-watered coastlines) as a metaphor

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Noiseborder performs CYCLE


the Noiseborder Ensemble presents cycle~, an experiment in live audio-visual coding and improvisation. We will develop computer algorithms in real time using Max and Quartz Composer software as the algorithms are used to process live audio

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Browsing Beauty

an ongoing multimedia installation project with German artist Andrea Sunder-Plassmann investigating the ephemeral and random nature of beauty as well as its culturally-bound notions. Browsing Beauty capitalizes on the dialogues and unsuspected relationships that emerge

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Torinus Into the Light

Into the Light

curated by Srimoyee Mitra at the Art Gallery of Windsor brings together a series of immersive artworks that are familiar and disorienting at the same time. Using photography, video and objects, Sigi Torinus develops multi-sensory

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Browsing Beauty 2014

a new version of browsing beauty showing at theCentro de Desarollo de las Artes Visuales Exhibición de Arte de los Medios EmergentesPlaza Vieja, La HabanaAndrea Sunder-Plassmann & Sigi Torinus Inauguración 22 de Enero, 20hConferencia 29 de

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ClubInstabil presents Noiseborder

Club Instabil 2013

Kunstmühle, Braunschweigblackhole-factory meets the Noiseborder Ensemble The Noiseborder Ensemble presents Master Control – an ongoing collaboration with blackhole-factory’s Martin Slawig and Elke Utermöhlen in Braunschweig. with Brent Lee, Sigi Torinus, Trevor Pittman, Megumi Masaki, Chris McNamara, Nicolas

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Chamberfest Ottawa 2013

Monday, August 5 at the National Gallery Pianist Megumi Masaki presents Ferrovia by Brent Lee and Sigi Torinus at the International Chamber Music Festival in Ottawa

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