browsing beauty opens in Chatham, Canada
Thames Art Gallery, Chatham, Canada
with Andrea Sunder-Plassmann, Germany
Oct 30 – Nov 29, 2009
The project was first launched in Australia in 1997 with Anita Kocsis (Australia) at the SCA Gallery in Sydney; the same year we brought browsing beauty to San Francisco (Gallery 16). In 1998 we created a very different-looking show in Berlin, Germany (Galerie am Marstall), with the balloons remaining as the main carriers of images, and in Moscow (TV Gallery Moscow) with Russian text and images we found in and around Moscow. In 1999 the idea of browsing beauty became the basis for “Slushaj! Sasha und der Kosmos” (Galerie Marstall, Berlin Germany).
So far, each show had a different focus in relationship to beauty; Australia was intimacy (inspired by the vast distances geographically), Moscow had nostalgia (this was during the transition of Soviet Union to Russia), San Francisco was magic and pleasure (during the dotcom rise with its oppulence), in Berlin it was the question of identity of a new Berlin after the wall came down, for Canada we are thinking of longing (it’s a country of immigrants, many dreaming of going ‘home’ one day, while in Australia immigrants came to stay for good…).